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With my Soulsister Dhara we created “Tente des Terres Rouges” to explore our own femininity, we have been experimenting, discovering and living a redefinition of femininity and feminism. Our common vision is to create community of women ready to empower and honour ourselves and one another, as we are.

Women gathering and sharing stories and wisdom is an incredible step towards change. In patriarchal societies as ours, women are systematically cut off their true nature and powers, we believe it is time to reclaim our bodies, our experiences and our cyclical nature to bring forward a deeper understanding and loving appreciation of ourselves, of natural cycles and of Life and Death.

Our first Circles took place in the Tent and it led us to the name of our seeding project as we are situated in the south of Luxembourg, a place referred to as 'terre rouge', the red Earth that holds much iron. Earth is an important element to us. The feminine and fertile nature of Mother Earth resonates much in everything Tente des Terres Rouges is about.
It is also a hint to Red Tents of course! where women traditionally would retreat while bleeding.

Together we offer:

  • Monthly Womencircles : We sing, we laugh, we dance, we cry, we listen to ourselves, we listen to others. We are exploring new ways of mindful communication and listening without judgement. Together we are able to expose, reevaluate and sometimes free ourselves from moral boundaries and societal expectations that weigh heavy on our shoulders. Saying our life stories in the circle, they become reality, they become a narrative, they become raw truth, they become heard, they become life lessons, they come into consciousness and are wrapped up in compassion.

  • MaTerra - My Body. My Birth. In our birth preparation classes we share the birth wisdom we gathered as mothers, birth-nerds and doulas. Our course is based on a holistic understanding of birth as a multi-dimensional process (physical, emotional, spiritual and sexual) and is a combination of ancient wisdom and modern science. Gaining body literacy, working with different creative tools towards more self-awareness and a regular practice of an altered state of consciousness are key elements of the course. We want to empower you to discover your very unique way of birth and motherhood.

  • Motherblessings : The tribe of the new mother comes together to bless her for birth and motherhood, with songs, bellypainting, massage, food... It's a celebration!

  • Rebozo Closing Ritual : you receive a four hand massage, a herb-bath and wrapping of entire body in Rebozo scarves. This ritual is a postpartum tradition in many cultures. It can be lived as a Re-Birth, with intentions set to close a chapter of life and move on in peace.

  • Her Blood is Gold Circles : Exploring and connecting to your menstrual cycles and sharing knowledge about Holistic Womb Health and Selfcare.