My name is Natascha and I am a mother to two girls and an angel. After being a food scientist, a teacher with a passion for alternative education, a world-traveller in a van, I am now walking my path as a doula.

My first pregnancy was an introduction to both the magic and difficulties of pregnancy, birth and motherhood; as well as to a feminist criticism on the current birth culture.

The transformative experience of becoming a mother was so profound, that I instinctively understood the potential power this experience holds for women and how the suffering and damage caused through abuse and lack of care for women and babies during and after birth imprint profound wounds on humanity. Birthing in sovereignty holds the potential to change the world. The wish for change was the seeding towards my path as a doula, and ever since this love story is unfolding continuously and takes me out to passionately learn about the ancient knowledge of traditional midwifery, holistic womb health, beautiful rituals and ceremonies, all with so much Love and Reverence for the Women, Mothers and Babies!

I am grateful to count among my teachers traditional indigenous midwives who share their wisdom. Their practice reflects a connection to Life, Earth and spiritual realms that fascinates me and inspires me in finding my own ways of practice as a birthkeeper. I believe that humanity has much to learn from their ways of living in order to preserve Life on this planet.

My practice is founded in reverence for women and physiology. I believe that everybody deserves continuous and compassionate support from a trustful person in this vulnerable lifecycle of gestating, birthing and parenting your baby.

I am not alone to believe that change towards a woman-centered and peaceful birth culture is of urgent necessity. Also in Luxembourg we raise our voices and formulate political claims, you can join us here or read more.

Let's engage together to birth more love into the world.

A last bit of magic I need to share here is the meaning of my name Natascha that translates into “the night of birth”, so much poetry, feels like it was meant to be!


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